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Non-verbal conversations

This action consists of non-verbal and asynchronous conversations taking place in the form of an artistic correspondence, which we simply call dispatches. A dispatch is any type of artistic production especially created and addressed to someone. It may be a sound miniature, a montage of images, a video, a small composition, or any other sort of artistic production. It is dispatched without any kind of contextualizing message other than the title. After receiving it, a personal listening adventure begins, together with the creation of another dispatch, moving the process onwards. The emphasis on the term ‘dispatch’ is related to our interest in the process of addressing the other as well as in the movement of passage established between us through listening. What results from this action aren’t objects to be inserted into the sphere of institutional art, but artistic strategies enacting spaces for experimentation and sharing of listening. As examples of this action, please see conversation 1 and conversation 2 .
conversation 1
conversation 2
Campesato, Lílian; Bonafé, Valéria. “Envios”. In: 32 instruções para escutar (n)a pandemia. Ed. Rui Chaves e Fernando Iazzetta. São Paulo: Selo Berro, 2021.
[full paper]
Campesato, L.; Bonafé, V. Dispatches: cartographing and sharing listenings. In: The Body in Sound, Music and Performance: Studies in Audio and Sonic Arts. Ed. Linda O. Keeffe and Isabel Nogueira. London: Routledge, 2022, pp. 153-165.
[full paper]